Students may always opt to wear normal uniform.
Students may wear free dress on specially designated days. In general, free dress is attire that is appropriate for school activities and is not distracting, demeaning or degrading to self or others. All clothing and appearance should reflect the values of The Catholic School of St. Eugene.
Clothing should be neat, modest and appropriate.
In partnership with the school, please guide your child in selecting the appropriate attire for free dress. When in doubt, do not wear it. Violations, as determined by the principal or teacher, will result in the student calling a parent to bring appropriate attire, and loss of the next free dress day
If a Free Dress Day is designated as a fundraiser free dress day (like $5 Free Dress Friday), students will follow same rules as above, but may only participate if the participation "fee" is turned in by the morning of designated day. All other students must wear their normal uniform.